It’s a bit of a compulsion for me, and I don’t use that term lightly. Do you know that maxim, a place for everything and everything in its place? That’s my life.
I grew up on a pig farm in South Dakota, and like every farm kid, I had my regular chores. For me, that consisted of feeding hogs, stacking bales, and getting the pigs ready for market. But I was always happiest when I was in my dad’s shop.
Saturdays were the good days because those were the days I didn’t have to deal with the stink. Instead, my dad would send me to his shop to clean it up, to keep me busy and out of trouble. For me, that was heaven. I’d sweep it out, organize the tools, and put everything away. It settled me, getting things all nice and tidy and neat. It was just a part of doing stuff on the farm, but it gave me a sense of peace and escape. All that gave me a great base for what I do now: There isn’t a tool I can’t identify or a mess I can’t see beyond.
I might have grown up on a farm, but that life wasn’t for me. I went to college and loved school so much going on to get a master’s degree in college athletics administration. I seriously never wanted to leave school. But when I moved to Denver, which had its pull on me ever since I was a little kid visiting an uncle on family vacations, I sort of fell into a sales job in the construction industry. And there I stayed until the subprime mortgage crisis hit.
With the housing industry and economy in the tank, I thought maybe it was time to use my education, especially with all the universities out here. But first, I had to get my resume together. I connected with a professional resume builder who agreed to help me. I went by her house to get working and took one look at her garage. It was a disaster. I offered to clean it out and organize it in trade, and the Garage Guru was born.
In the early days, I didn’t build anything or put anything up. I just purged, cleaned, and organized peoples’ garages. That was satisfying for just so long, and the growth potential was pretty limited. So, I decided to kick it up a notch and built partnerships with a few companies that make durable storage solutions for garages.
I researched various garage storage products. You name it, I considered it. And I chose to offer the best variety I could find for my customers—with the best value for the money. What kind of storage solutions are for each customer basically comes down to, how do you want to use your space. Let me show you what I think.
Chad Karst lives in Denver with his wife Kylee and infant son Nolan, all Rockies’ superfans. They are an adorable family.
He fondly remembers the days he and Kylee were able to leisurely explore the countryside on the only kind of Hog he’d willing have in his life now. And sleep.
Chad also looks forward to the days he can show Nolan around a garage or two. In the meantime, he’s ready to tackle his next garage project. Will it be yours?
Denver, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
Fort Collins, CO
Vail, CO
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